sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2021

quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2021

Café em Alta

Supply and transport concerns are driving the price of coffee higher

Nas últimas duas semanas o café retomou a sua tendência ascendente, após o preço do café arábica ter quebrado acima dos 200 cêntimos por libra. Há vários factores que contribuem para o aumento dos preços do café, contudo as preocupações com a produção de café na próxima estação desempenham o papel principal. As zonas de cultivo de café no Brasil registaram este ano temperaturas baixas, que tiveram um impacto negativo nas colheitas de café. Além disso, os agricultores tiveram de lidar com secas periódicas, o que também reduziu as perspectivas de produção para o próximo ano. Embora ainda devamos experimentar um excesso de oferta no mercado do café este ano, a situação pode mudar em 2022 e podemos testemunhar um défice. No entanto, a OIC, uma instituição que analisa o mercado mundial do café, não forneceu quaisquer estimativas até à data, mas segundo alguns analistas, na pior das hipóteses, o défice poderia chegar a 5-10 milhões de sacos de café. O nível actual dos stocks de café no Brasil é de cerca de 3,5 milhões de sacas.

Além disso, surgem alguns problemas de entrega. Actualmente, as entregas podem demorar até 100 dias em comparação com 30 antes do período pandémico. Também se verificam problemas de produção noutros países em todo o mundo, como a Índia e a Etiópia. Finalmente, vale também a pena prestar atenção ao fenómeno climático La Ninca, que poderia levar a uma maior redução das perspectivas de produção na América do Sul.

O preço do café quebrou acima dos 230 cêntimos por libra e está a negociar acima dos 61,8% de retracção Fibonacci da última grande onda descendente lançada em 2011, por volta do máximo de sempre. Actualmente, o preço do café está cerca de 30% abaixo do seu nível recorde de 330 cêntimos por libra esterlina. Fonte: xStation5

O preço do café desde os anos 70. Como se pode ver, o café está a aproximar-se do seu ATH, o que levou frequentemente a um declínio dos preços. No entanto, os preços poderiam ter-se mantido em níveis elevados mesmo durante vários trimestres. Fonte: Bloomberg

quarta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2021

Especificação de Instrumentos - CFDs sobre Ações, ETF CFD, Ações Sintéticas

Especificação de Instrumentos - CFDs sobre Ações, ETF CFD, Ações Sintéticas;
- Especificação de Instrumentos - Forex, Matérias-Primas, Índices, Criptomoedas;
- Regulamento;
- A Tabela Completa de Taxas e Comissões
- Tabela de margens.

terça-feira, 16 de novembro de 2021

Fwd: Spotlight | Uber Technologies (Uber)

From: Stake <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2021 5:24:54 PM
To: <>
Subject: Spotlight | Uber Technologies (Uber)

segunda-feira, 15 de novembro de 2021

domingo, 14 de novembro de 2021

sexta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2021

quinta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2021

Fwd: SMT#15: Liquidity pools, DAOS, $RCDY, $ARKES, $PRBS and more!

From: Bradley <>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2021 11:00:58 AM
To: Roll mailing list <>
Subject: SMT#15: Liquidity pools, DAOS, $RCDY, $ARKES, $PRBS and more!


Hello Rollers, 

The next mayor of NYC is planning to take his first paychecks in crypto, $ENS airdrop, McDonald's NFTs, social token liquidity pools growing steadily, and the first DAOS on Roll being created. This issue is fully packed.

Welcome to Social Money Times #15!

Who's on a Roll
1️⃣ Bitcoin Mayor. Eric Adams, the soon-to-be mayor of New York City announced that he's going to be taking his first three (3) paychecks in the form of Bitcoin after he takes office. According to him, NYC is going to become the center of the cryptocurrency industry and other fast-growing innovative industries.
2️⃣ Airdrop.eth. Ethereum Naming Service (ENS), the standard blockchain naming taxonomy for Ethereum that enables uses to translate their 0x airdropped their new token ($ENS) to people who had a name registered before October 31st, 2021. These will be used as a governance token in the upcoming ENS DAO.

3️⃣ McNFT. World-famous fast food restaurant chain McDonald's dipped their toes in the world of NFTs when they started a Twitter giveaway earlier this month with the prize being a 1/10 McRib NFT. I don't know about you, but I'm lovin' it.

New Money
Watch out for the 💯 emoji which tells you a social token has hit $100,000 in liquidity. We call this "The 100K Club"

💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 Killer $WHALE. The token of the $WHALE community has surpassed $11,000,000 in liquidity on Uniswap with more than 300,000 $WHALE, and 1200 ETH in the pool. We're running out of 💯emojis!

💯💯💯💯💯 Big $MORK. The Uniswap liquidity pool of $MORK, the social token of the artist's duo Hackatao, has grown to just over $500,000. People seem to love their token just as much as they love their art!

💯💯💯💯💯 Bashing $SKULLs. Crypto artist Skeenee and $SKULL have been enjoying steady growth in the past few weeks with the $SKULL liquidity pool on Uniswap increasing to over $500,000 from $300,000 just a month ago. 

$WHALE Vault Showcase. Artists from the $WHALE vault are live at the Poly Auction Exhibition, which is the largest auction house in China. The featured artists include Skeenee, Frenetikvoid, Javier Arres, XCOPY, Reinhard Schmid, Neurocolor, A Giant Swan, and Money Alotta.

$RCDY NCO. Virtual publishing house RareCandy announced the innovative concept of an NFT Coin Offering (NCO). You can buy their NFTs on Rarible, and inside discover unlockable content in the form of an $RCDY earn code.

Announcing $ARKES. Crypto artist Arke announces his upcoming token: $ARKES, and put together a beautiful website to showcase what his token is about. 

DAOS on Roll
👀Watch out for this new section in our newsletter covering everything that has to do with DAOS on Roll, from new DAO launches to governance proposals and DAO-related news.

Introducing the $FAMILY DAO. Didi Taihuttu is a big fan of decentralization, so it's no surprise to see The Bitcoin Family transitioning into a DAO. You can watch Didi's announcement in this Youtube video, and you can hop on the $FAMILY Discord to find more information in the #dao-info channel. Lastly, jump in their Snapshot space as you can already vote on the first governance proposal!

Introducing the $GREY DAO. A$AP affiliate, creative collaborator of AWGE, and the creator of $GREY, Robert Gallardo is going fully decentralized with the launch of $GREY DAO. A decentralized design house focused on creating digital and physical products.
You can learn more about the $GREY DAO here.

$SKULL DAO. The $SKULL community is slowly moving towards becoming a full-fledged DAO. Make sure to join the $SKULL Discord and the Snapshot space so you can participate in and vote for the future of the DAO.

$FIRST DAO. Harrison First and the $FIRST community is ready to take the next step and transform into a DAO. Hop on their Discord so you can stay up to date with the latest developments of the DAO and join their Snapshot space so you can vote on future governance proposals.

Roll Academy
Sending to a Roll user. Sending social money directly to another user on the Roll platform is as straightforward as it gets.
  • Click "Send." From your dashboard, click on "Send." Make sure that "Send to a Roll user" is highlighted and select the social money you want to send.
  • Enter the info. Enter the amount of social money you want to send, and the Roll username of the person you want to send it to.
  • Leave a note. You can also include an optional message with your transaction. A nice emoji can go a long way 😎
  • Confirm. Click on "Continue," see a quick review of the transfer you're about to make, and if everything looks good, click "Confirm" for the tokens to be on their way.
Transactions on Roll happen instantly and do not incur Ethereum's network transaction (gas) fees.
Learn more at our FAQ. What do you want to see in Roll Academy? Tell us. 📩

Humans of Social Money: Marty of $PRBS

"My name is Marty but most people on the web know me as Poormarty. I work in the music industry as an animator to create covers and social content for artists, but I recently dove headfirst into the metaverse. I came across social tokens early on in my journey and I was intrigued by the fact that any creator can build a community around their social token where everyone can benefit. 

As a content creator myself, I know first-hand the struggles creators face to monetize their content and be rewarded for the value they create. Social tokens not only changed the way I thought about community but also gave me hope for the future. I 1000% believed this was the answer to the problem creators face.

As a result, POORBUCKS ($PRBS) was born. It started slowly and I spent months planning and mapping out what I thought were the best ways to run a social token as a creator. While I was planning, I was also still learning, so we didn't launch the token till about a month or so ago. Things are still slow but the community is growing.

Besides creating content, I love to teach and share the things I've learned and the roadblocks I've faced. So a lot of what I'm focusing on right now is creating space for the community to create, share and help each other. The future of POORBUCKS is wide open. Gaming, virtual avatars, education, NFTs are just some of the things that are coming and will soon be revealed." — Marty. Follow him on Twitter and join the $PRBS Discord.
Are you a creator or part of a social money community? Tell us what it's like to be one of the Humans of Social Money. Ping us! 📩

By The Numbers

290 million - The total market capitalization of social tokens on Roll.

1330 - The amount of ETH XCOPY's "A Coin for the Ferryman" sold for.

94.2 million - The USD valuation of the $WHALE vault for November 2021.

93 million - The size of the investment of SoftBank in the NFT game platform Sandbox.

28.9 million - The amount of USD Beeple's "HUMAN ONE" sold for in Christie's Evening Sale auction.

Required Tweeting

Matt Navara, the founder of Geekout, shared an article about the creator economy and how creators are moving away from monetizing via social platforms and are instead moving towards platforms where they can own the value they create. Has anyone told them about social tokens?

Watch This

Sho is the founder of Initia, an artist, and the showman of the metaverse. We discussed onboarding people in crypto, the metaverse and events there, social tokens, and of course his own social token, $INI.

Make sure to watch through the episode on Youtube, as there's some $INI waiting for you in the form of a QR code!

Catch the episode on Youtube, Apple,

Community Board
Offered Passionate, mission obsessed, and relentlessly helpful Jr. Discord Moderator for the $WHALE Discord. Send your resume to to apply.

Offered Two Jr. Graphic Designers to join the $WHALE team and work alongside an award-winning packing designer from S. Korea. Send your resume to to apply.

Offered A Jr. Staff Writer with strong writing skills to join the $WHALE team. Send your resume to to apply.

Social Money Calendar

November 12, 15:00 UTC Blockchain Beats w/ Harrison First on $WHALE Discord.

November 12, 20:00 UTC AlienQueen and $WHALE FM on $WHALE Discord.

November 12, 23:00 UTC LADZ City Radio on $LADZ Discord.

November 12 to 14, 15:00 UTC Axie e1337 Open on $1337 Discord.

November 14, 22:00 UTC SO META - a house party in the Metaverse on $INI Discord.

Get your community's events featured on the Social Money Calendar. Tell us! 📩

Bye For Now

Hope you enjoyed rolling with us this week! Reply to this email with thoughts or shoot us a DM @tryrollhq. If you're a creator, we'd want to feature you in the next issue! We'd love to hear from you so ping us at 📩.


This newsletter was sponsored by Marty from Poorbucks. Grab 5 $PRBS here or use the QR code above (only for the first 100 people).

Love you guys, 
Team Roll

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terça-feira, 9 de novembro de 2021

Matrix AI Network (MAN)

Matrix AI Network (MAN)

The First Digital Currency You Can Mine On Your Phone - Start earning cryptocurrency today with our free, energy-light mobile app.

Pi é uma nova moeda digital desenvolvida por PhDs de Stanford, com mais de 23 milhões de membros em todo o mundo. Para reivindicar o seu Pi, siga este link e use o meu nome de usuário (Jsoares07) como o seu código de convite.

Fwd: 🔥 Em alta: nova máxima de moedas e o que esperar agora?

De: Coinext <>
Enviado: terça-feira, 9 de novembro de 2021 13:58
Assunto: 🔥 Em alta: nova máxima de moedas e o que esperar agora?

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Novas máximas das criptomoedas

Confira notícias e análises em alta no mercado e prepare seus próximos trades!


Bitcoin decola para mais um ATH; ETH e ADA decidem acompanhar – Resumo de Mercado

Nesta terça-feira (09) o Bitcoin (BTC) decolou para mais um recorde de preços de US$68.642, próximo a R$380.000 no Brasil. Ethereum (ETH), Cardano (ADA) e Litecoin (LTC) são as principais altcoins que decidiram acompanhar. Todas as moedas com maior valorização estão disponíveis na Coinext. Saiba mais no artigo!

Ler em Cointimes

Quem é o trader que acertou o preço do Bitcoin nos últimos três meses e qual a previsão para o final do ano

Nos últimos três meses, as análises de preço do PlanB baseadas no stock-to-flow foram certeiras. Em agosto, o bitcoin tinha como meta os US$ 47 mil, cairia para US$ 43 mil em setembro e voltaria a subir para US$ 63 mil em outubro, e foi o que aconteceu.

Ler em Portal do Bitcoin

EXAME | Future of Money

Ciclos de baixa do bitcoin são coisa do passado, diz Pantera Capital

"Quedas de preço de 80% não acontecerão mais", afirmou Dan Morehead, CEO da gestora da Pantera Capital, na última edição do boletim da gestora de fundos de investimento em criptomoedas

Ler em

MONEY TIMES | Empiricus

Bitcoin bateu recorde, mas não é a criptomoeda mais promissora para 2022: conheça as DeFi, capazes de trazer lucros de até 200 vezes

Para o chefe de pesquisa em criptomoedas da Empiricus, essa classe de criptomoeda está com uma valorização defasada em relação a outros ativos digitais. Apesar de seu potencial para revolucionar o sistema financeiro global, as DeFi ainda não passaram pela curva de valorização que criou muitos milionários donos de outras criptomoedas. As principais DeFi do mercado estão disponíveis na Coinext.

Ler em Money Times

Confira as principais variações nas últimas 48h

LTC    +38%

ADA    +14%

XRP    +10%

ETH    +9,1%

BTC   +6,9%

*Dia 09/11/2021  às 12h


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HODL X TRADE: Qual a melhor estratégia para investir em criptomoedas?

Você já se perguntou qual é a melhor estratégia para investir em criptomoedas? Assista ao vídeo até o final, porque vamos te explicar as principais estratégias de investimentos do mercado, além de como essas estratégias funcionam na prática!

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